David "Diavù" Vecchiato
Born: Rome, Italy
Education: Accademia Belle Arti (Painting), Istituto d’Arte
Links: Maniphesto >> WORK-IN-PROGRESS >> YouTube >> Facebook >> Instagram

The first urban intervention of Poster Art by Diavù appeared in 1992, the same year of the first publication of his comics and illustrations. So, before he started exhibiting his work in art galleries he has shown his art in the street and in editorial publications.
His first solo show took place in 1996, during the ”Happening Internazionale Underground” in Rome and Milan. He later exhibited his art in museums and galleries of Europe, Asia and USA. From 2007 he was the art director of the gallery and artshop of “MondoPOP” in Rome. As one of the first curators to bring Urban Art in to (open-air) museums, he curated the festival “Urban Superstar Show” (2009/2010 in the MADRE in Naples and 2012/2013 in the Galleria Provinciale di Cosenza).
In 2010 he created the project “MURo (Museo di Urban Art di Roma)” and in 2013 he curated a series of documentaries about Street Art “MURo” on the tv-channel Sky ARTE HD.
As art director he also conceived and directed the project “GRAArt” for ANAS.
I primi interventi urbani di Poster Art di Diavù risalgono al 1992 e dello stesso anno sono le prime pubblicazioni di suoi fumetti ed illustrazioni. Prima che nelle gallerie ha dunque mostrato la sua arte in strada e su carta stampata. La sua prima mostra è nel 1996, all’”Happening Internazionale Underground” nei centri sociali di Roma e Milano, ha esposto poi in Europa, Asia e USA e, dal 2007 ha curato la direzione artistica della galleria d’arte e art shop “MondoPOP” di Roma. Tra i primi curatori in Italia a portare Urban Art nei musei e i musei in strada, ha curato il festival “Urban Superstar Show” (dal 2009 al MADRE di Napoli e alla Galleria Provinciale di Cosenza) e nel 2010 ha dato vita al progetto “MURo (Museo di Urban Art di Roma)”. Dal 2013 cura su Sky ARTE HD la serie di documentari “MURO”. E’ direttore artistico di “GRAArt”, da lui ideato e diretto per ANAS.
Selected Solo Exhibitions >>
- “狄阿乌 (Diavù)“, Sala espositiva dell’Accademia di Belle Arti del Sichuan, Chongqing (Cina), 11/2020 – 12/2020
- “ARIA”, Centro Cultural de Montargil (Portogallo), 11/2020 – 12/2020
- “ARIA”, Centro de Artes e Cultura de Ponte de Sor (Portogallo), 09/2020 – 10/2020
- “Diavù on the Rocks“, Momart Gallery, Matera, 06/2016 – 07/2016
- “The End is the Beginning” (with Lucamaleonte), Sacripante Gallery, Roma, 11/2014 – 04/2015
- “XL Collage”, La Triennale di Milano/OFF – EXPA, Palermo, 08/2006
- “Rocktraits”, Traffic Festival – Altervox Gallery, Torino, 07/2006
- “Welcome To Pepperland”, La Cueva Gallery, Milan, 03/2005
- “E Noi Si Fa La Coda Per Andare A Crepare”, Puccini Theatre, Florence, 03/2003
- “Sogni D’Oro”, Tricromia Gallery, Rome, 02/2003
- “HIU – International Happening Underground”, Leoncavallo, Milan, 2000
- “HIU – International Happening Underground”, Forte Prenestino, Rome, 1997
Selected Performances >>
- “Gioachino VS Peppe er tosto“, performance at Group Exhibition Roma Street art, Galleria Alberto Sordi – Rome, 11/2022
- “UAU Urban Art Utopia“, performance at Group Exhibition UAU, Galleria Ca’ D’Oro – Rome, 26/03/2015
- “Donna Roma“, performance at Roma Dice No, Rome, 118/2014
- “Totòbolik“, performance at JazzIT Festival, Collescipoli (Tr), 06/2014
- “Hot Meat“, performance at Salerno Comicon, Alba Fucens, 11/2013
- “Ciaci World”, performance at Albe Animate Festival, Alba Fucens, 08/2013
- “QU4TTR0”, performance at QU4TTR0 Group Show, MuseiON, Bolzano, 05/2013
- “QU4TTR0 Preview”, performance at Affordable Art Fair, Milano, 04/2013
- “1969 – Let It Bleed”, performance at ONO Arte Contemporanea galleyr (with Alberto Corradi), Bologna, 03/2012
“Untitled”, performance at Step09 Art Fair, Milano, …/2009 - “XL Collage”, La Triennale di Milano/OFF – EXPA, Palermo, 08/2006
- “Painting Match”, performance at Frigo (Fiesta), Rome, 07/2005
- “Sulla Curva”, performance at Bamako reading, Eliseo Theatre, Rome, 02/2005
- “Fate L’Amore con la Sofferenza”, performance at Bamako reading, 47 Floor Gallery,
- “Sulla Curva”, performance at Bamako reading, Enzimi Festival, Rome, 09/2004
- “Orgasmo”, Hana Bi Beach, Marina di Ravenna, 07/2003
- “Alto Macello”, performance at convention Nuvole, Parole e Visioni, Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, 04/2003
- “Sogni D’Oro”, performance at the vernissage, Tricromia Gallery, Rome, 02/2003
- “E Noi Si Fa La Coda Per Andare A Crepare”, performance at the vernissage, Puccini Theatre, Florence, 2003
- “Officina Guano”, Castel S.Angelo, Rome, 07/2002
Selected Group Exhibitions >>
- “War & Peace” show, WeststationGallery – Lunderskov (Danimarca), 15/05/2023 – 25/05/2023
- “Street art in Heaven”, MAT Heaven Gallery – Napoli, 02/2023 – 05/2023
- “Roma Street art”, Galleria Alberto Sordi – Roma, 09/2022 – 11/2022
- “Greenwall”, NOA Nuova Officina delle Arti – Roma, 01/2022 – 04/2022
- “Money Go Round” show, Rosso20sette Arte Contemporanea – Roma, 09/2020 – 11/2020
- “30KeiTH” show, Afnakafna Gallery – Roma, 02/2020
- “Da sketch a MURo” show, Rosso20sette Arte Contemporanea – Roma, 10/2019 – 11/2019
- “Stars: dalla street art alla space art“, Palazzo Velli Expo – Roma, 09/2019 – 10/2019
- “UAU Urban Art Utopia” show (with Solo e Maupal), Galleria Ca’ D’Oro – Roma, 03/2015
- “City of Women” show, Galleria Santa Chiara (Museum of Cosenza), Cosenza (Italy) 06/2013″
- “QU4TTRO” show, MuseiOn, Bolzano (Italy) 06/2013
“Urban Superstar Festival V” show, Galleria Santa Chiara (Museum of Cosenza), Cosenza (Italy) 02/2013″ - “Scary Girl 10th Anniversary” show, ToyTokyo Gallery, New York City (USA) 11/2012
- “Paul Frank’s Julius Toy” show, Art Toy Gallery, Los Angeles (USA) 08/2012
- “Taetrum et Dulce 2, Lux In Tenebris”, Distinction Gallery, Escondido, CA (USA) 09/2012
- “Ritorno all’Alba”, Anfiteatro Romano, Alba Fucens (AQ -Italy), 08/2012
- “Lyrics 2012”, 323East Gallery, Royal Oak, Michigan (USA), 03/2012
- “Taetrum et Dulce”, Mondopop International Gallery, Rome (Italy) 12/2011
- “Subtetlies of Character”, WWA Gallery, Culver City, CA (USA) 12/2010
“Back from Black – Urban Superstar Show 2”, Museo MADRE, Napoli, 05/2010 - “Urban Superstar Show”, Museo MADRE, Napoli, 05/2009
- “Sketchel Group Show”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 11/2008
- “Money Lisa”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2008
- “POP Invaderz”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 10/2007
- “Agit Pop “, Interzona, Verona (Italy), 04/2005
- “Painting Bamako”, 47 Floor Gallery, Rome (Italy), 02/2005
- “Artists of F.U.N.”, Parco Fundation, Casier (TV- Italy), 09/2004
- “Smile”, Brancaleone Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2004
- “L’Anamorfica”, Puccini Theatre, Florence (Italy), 01/2003
- “L’Anamorfica”, Museo di Fiesole (Florence – Italy), 2002
- “Mille Bambini a via Margutta”, via Margutta (Rome – Italy), 1978:
Selected Curated and Co-curated Shows>>
- “Street art in Heaven”, MAT Heaven Gallery – Napoli, 02/2023 – 05/2023
- “Roma Street art”, Galleria Alberto Sordi – Roma, 09/2022 – 11/2022
- “Da sketch a MURo” show, Rosso20sette Arte Contemporanea – Roma, 10/2019 – 11/2019
- “Art for a cure” show, Castel dell’Ovo – Napoli, 01/2017 – 02/2017
- “La Piccola Bellezza”, Komikazen Festival / Casa delle Marionette, Ravenna 10/2014
- “MURo Museo di Urban Art di Roma SHOW”, Hangar Tattoo Studio, Roma 09/2014
- “Pop Alone (Alberto Corradi solo show)”, Hangar Tattoo Studio, Roma 01/2014 – 02/2014
- “Urban Superstar Show 2013”, Galleria Provinciale d’Arte Santa Chiara, Cosenza 01/2013 – 03/2013
- “Winter Of Love” (Jana Brike solo show), Casa della Cultura, Roma 12/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Urban Superstar Show 2012”, Galleria Provinciale d’Arte Santa Chiara, Cosenza 12/2012
- “Taetrum et Dulce 2, Lux In Tenebris”, Distinction Gallery, Escondido, CA (USA) 09/2012
- “Ritorno all’Alba”, Anfiteatro Romano, Alba Fucens (AQ -Italy), 08/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Combinatoria (Dan Barry solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Sogni di Zucchero (Edward Robin Coronel solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)“
- “Mondopop show”, Miomao Gallery, Perugia (Italy), 05/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Basemania (Gary Baseman solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 03/2012 – 04/2012 (co-curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Atelier Popsurréaliste”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 03/2012 – 04/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Oniric”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 02/2012 – 03/2012 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Taetrum et Dulce”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 12/2011 – 01/2012 (curated with Dan Barry)
- “Urban Pop Surrealismo”, Centro Camerale Alessi, Perugia (Italy), 11/2011
- “Faces and Small Epics (Glenn Barr solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 10/2011
- “Soft Candy Story (Danny Shinya Luo solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 10/2011
- “Cosmic Caos (Alberto Corradi solo show)”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 07/2011
- “Street Parade”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 07/2011
- “Nostalgia Canaglia”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 06/2010 (curated with Luca Scornaienchi)
- “Universal Love”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 01/2011
- “Pimp My Art”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2011 – 06/2011
- “The Wooden Show”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 12/2010
- “Back from Black – Urban Superstar Show 2010”, Museo MADRE, Napoli, 05/2010
- “Arte Sagra”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 12/2009 – 02/2010 (curated with Serena Melandri)
- “Urban Superstar Suite”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 09/2009 – 10/2010
- “Urban Superstar Show 2009”, Museo MADRE, Napoli, 04/2009 – 06/2009
- “Vinyl Factory”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 03/2009 – 04/2010 (co-curated with omino71)
- “Money Lisa”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 05/2008 – 07/2008 (co-curated with Ilaria Beltramme & Serena Melandri)
- “Sketchel Group Show”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 11/2008 (co-curated with Jeremyville)
- “POP Invaderz”, MondoPOP International Gallery, Rome (Italy), 10/2007
Other >>
- Creator and Curator @ GRAArt – Documentary series of 10 episodes for ANAS – 2016-2018
- Co-creator and Curator @ Muro – TV series of 17 documentaries for Sky Arte – 2013-2018
- Curator and Art Director @ M.U.Ro. Museo Urban di Roma, Urban Art project in Rome (Italy) – 2010-…
- Curator and Art Director @ Mondopop Art Agency and International Gallery – 2007-2013
- Curator and Art Director @ Urban Superstar Festival, traveling urban art project in Italy – 2009-2012
- Teacher @ Istituto Europeo di Design, Rome (Italy) – Fenomenologia dell’Arte Contemporanea, Character Design, Animation – 2001-2008
Records >>
- Savalas – “Dancing Days”, EP Gina Dischi, 1999
- Savalas – “Radio Bella Vista”, Ultrasuoni/Gina Dischi/EDEL, 2000
- Piotta – “La grande onda“, Antibemusic, 2002 (featuring su 4 brani)
- Piotta – “Tommaso“, Antibemusic, 2004 (featuring su 1 brano)
Selected Editorial Work >>
- “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, co-curator of the weekly review RiFatto, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 2014/2015
- “XL”, art consultant, articles, illustrations and comics, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, 2005/2013
- “Musica di Repubblica”, portraits, Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso, 2003/2004
- “Par Condicio ”, art direction, Nuova Frontiera Edizioni, 2004
- ““Il Cuore”, art direction, Di Salvo Editore, 2001
- “Tank Magazine”, art direction and editorial direction, Magic Press, 1995/1997
- “Impulse Comics”, art direction, Magic Press, 1994/1995
- “Tribù”, co-art direction and co-editorial direction, Tribù, 1994
- “Katzyvari”, co-art direction and co-editorial direction, Edizioni Inca, 1992/1994